Thank you for your application to become a BFGBC Site Key Holder.
The Building Manager, or his designate, will contact you shortly to arrange to give you a set of keys. Your deposit must be paid before the keys are handed over.
There are three way in which you can pay your deposit.
1) On-Line Banking: the Club Account Number is 93278735
with a Sort Code of 20-96-37
Please use the Reference “Keys”
2) By Cheque made payable to Bolton Flat Green Bowling Club.
3) By Cash.
Cash or Cheques can be handed in at the club, using the envelopes provided.
Cheques can also be posted to the Club Treasurer, Mr. J. Muldoon; 22, Bury Lane; Withnell; Chorley. PR6 8RX
Please read the following instructions regarding the use of the keys. it may be useful to print this page so you can refer to it when you use the keys.
BFGBC Use of Keys.
You will be given 5 keys. They are to unlock or operate the following:
The Car Park barrier
The entry gate
The torpedo bolts on the main door shutter.
The shutters on the main door.
The main door.
Opening the premises.
1) Open the Car Park barrier and the entry gate; the respective locks should be securely fastened on the hasps from which they have bean removed. This will prevent the locks being stolen or lost whilst unattended. Failure to do this makes the key holder liable for the cost of all replacement locks and keys.
2) Remove the torpedo bolts and open the roller shutters on the main door.
3) Open the main door and disable the alarm by entering your personal 4 digit number and pressing the 'IN’ button.
4) Raise the roller shutter on the Equipment Store.
NB. A power failure will prevent the operation of the roller shutters on the main door and the fire escape doors. The circuit breakers are located in the equipment store and hence it is sensible to raise the shutter on the Equipment Store before proceeding.
(The switch for the Equipment store is inside the Clubhouse, in the corner to the left of the Office Door. It is a two button switch; up for open, down for close).
5) Open the roller shutters on the fire escape doors in the Men’s and Ladies changing rooms and at least one window shutter.
By doing so you are allowing anyone trapped in the building by a fire a fast route to safety it the main door is blocked by the fire.
6) Sign the diary on the table below the alarm with your name and time of opening the premises. Make a note of anything which you think is wrong, e.g. lights on, shutters up, etc.
Closing the premises.
1) Ensure all equipment is put away and all locations are locked, including the Equipment Store. Ensure fire escape and window shutters are closed. Put any keys which you have removed back on the key board by the alarm.
2) Lower the Equipment Store shutter.
3) Sign the Diary on the table below the alarm with your name and time of closing the premises.
4) Set the alarm by entering your personal 4 digit number and pressing the ‘OUT’ button.
5) Close the Main Door and lock the door. Close the Roller Shutters on the main door and insert the torpedo bolts.
6) Visually check the security of the premises.
7) Close and lock the Entry Gate behind you. Please ensure the key slot on the padlock is on the left from the outside of the gate.
8) Close and look the Car Park barrier behind you.